Coaching Call

Rethink Your Possibilities

I am offering a one-hour, one-on-one exclusive conversation between you and me, where we can examine locations that would best serve you, address any nagging concerns, delve into deep-seated questions, or discuss strategies that you wish to explore. Relocation is not simply a change of address; it is a transformative experience that enriches your life.

My wife and I vividly recall the months leading up to our initial departure, yearning for someone who could share their experiences with us. We had so many questions: Is it safe? What if one of us or our child gets sick? Will we find the same products there, like diapers, food, and toiletries? How much should we budget for rent and food? What is day-to-day life like? Do you have any regrets, or do you feel you made the right choice? If given the chance, what would you do differently? We longed for someone to speak with who could help us navigate through the myriad of uncertainties.

Reshape Your Life.

Allow us to assist you in navigating the complexities and overcoming any frustrating obstacles, so you can embark on your adventure with confidence, knowing that you have a trusted partner by your side.

Locations we have lived and would love to share with you:

  • Thailand

  • Vietnam

  • Bali

  • Sri Lanka

  • Mexico

Topics to cover in our call:

  • Immigration

  • Best Locations

  • Day to Day Life

  • Cost of Living

  • Real Estate

  • Moving with Pets

  • Safety

  • Healthy Living

  • Home Birthing abroad

  • Pregnancy abroad

  • Homesteading overseas

  • Purchasing a vehicle

  • Schooling

  • Importing Items

  • Cultural nuances

  • some hard cold truths


  • PDF Follow-Up – Written Summary of our Call from the Team included

  • Our confidential top 7 realities for moving abroad (the lessons people don’t talk about)

  • Our top 10 Relocation Essentials Check-list