Hello Friends

Just before I give you the What, How & Why I do what I do…

Have you ever reconsidered your current life and wondered if it still aligns with who you are? Maybe you feel ready for a change and believe that somewhere else might offer a more authentic and thriving life for you and your family.

Now ask yourself…what would you do if you weren’t afraid?

I’ve asked myself these questions many times. After losing my job in Canada with a newborn and my wife on maternity leave, we re-evaluated our lives, questioning our future, careers, and the environments we wanted for our kids.

…Which is exactly WHY I am here.

To not only enliven people's perspectives but also offer the most dynamic, personalized relocation services to citizens everywhere, allowing them to reinvent their lives abroad.

With nearly two decades of travel across six continents and over 40 countries, living in 8 of them, I’ve built a network of trusted professionals. Together, we design relocation strategies and long-term living plans worldwide.

I understand how daunting moving to a new country can be, especially with kids. Finding reliable information and guidance can be overwhelming. Questions like: Where’s the best location? How do we stay long-term? What’s the cost? Should I rent or buy? Is it safe?

…which is HOW The Relocationist was born.

I’ve navigated these questions and experiences, learning from my mistakes. Relocating isn’t easy, but with the help of an international team of lawyers, real estate agents, accountants, and advisors, what took me years to achieve can be done in months or weeks. We’re here to assist you with every component of your move.

…now WHAT I do.

Through our 1:1 consulting calls and Relocation Packages, you’ll receive ongoing support while providing information on a variety of services:

  1. Immigration/Visas/Residencies

  2. Property Investment

  3. Longterm Affordable Rentals

  4. Suburb Analysis

  5. Shipping Items/Pets

  6. Purchasing a Vehicle

  7. Insurance

  8. Medical/Healthcare

  9. Setting up Bank Accounts

  10. Birthing Abroad

  11. Schooling

  12. Costs/Budgets

  13. Pregnancy Overseas

  14. Homesteading

  15. Community Activities/Programs

  16. …and other essentials

Booking a call with us, is your first step in the Ultimate Action-Plan to get you from where you currently are to exactly where you want to be.